Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmastide 2

Cooper and Sherry have gone to KC for an appointment with the neurosurgeon tomorrow. He wants to check on the incison, remove the staples and I am sure check on Cooper's overall progress. I miss them.

I had dinner with Fr. Justin this evening, but I did not like coming home to an empty house.

I learned today on a forum I used to regularly visit of another 13 year old boy recently diagnosed with cancer. His name is Trace and has Ewing's Sarcoma. Please include him your prayers.

May the Creator of All Souls bless each of you tonight.



  1. Well, I'm a little confused....I'm not sure what this means? Is it a secret code to keep me out???? Because I don't know how to break this code!
    But hey, just wanted to drop by and check in on you, Cooper. Hope all is going well. Have a safe trip up to KC tomorrow.
    Love ya, Mrs. Black

  2. Well that is the first time a comment was posted before I got the blog posted!

    I entered the title and hit the wrong key causing it to post, however as you can now see I did get something actually posted.


  3. Dear Vocelka's: Hope all is well with the K.C. report. I am thankful that the weather is good for driving back and forth. Thanks for keeping us all updated! We will continue to pray for you and your family, daily.
    The Leone's

  4. Dear Vocelka Family

    Hoping that a good report will come in KC. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. I'm confident that God hears those prayers. Praying for a good New Year for your family.
    Much Love,
    The Welch Family

  5. We will continue praying for good news and safe travels. Happy New Year!!!

  6. Thinking of you all on this Eve of the New Year and continue to pray and send blessings your way. Wishing all the best for your family in the New Year.

  7. Cooper,
    I posted right after your dad last night and lost my post, I hit the wrong button and it went into cyberspace so here I go again! Praying that you had safe travels and a good report! Andrew sends a big hello and prayers your way too! Happy New year to you, mom and dad! Know we are here if you need us, only a phone call away! Sending love and prayers from Mississippi! The Card Family

  8. Wishing all who read this a happy and blessed New Year as the prayers continue for the Vocelka's in Joplin.
