Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gaudy Sunday

Cooper had a good night.

He still has pain and they are still trying to get the meds adjusted. He has slow respiration and some apnea when sleeping after the pain meds. So they are looking to switch to an oral pain med instead of through the IV. I do not know what the meds are.

He has been sititng up and drinking juice. His head is starting to itch where one of the incisions is. His neuroligical tests (eye dilation, eye movement, muscle control) are good.

He also was saying he rememebers going for the cat scan yesterday and that he had to have two operations. He also wanted to know if he could take a shower.

Good signs of a progressive recovery.

This third Sunday of Advent is often called Rose Sunday; today we light the rose colored candle on the Advent wreath, reminding us that there is joy during our long wait in the darkness.

You may know that another of the names for this rose Sunday is gaudete Sunday. The Latin word gaudete is our word gaudy. No matter what the world seems to offer this day, in our lives, in our world, in the midst of winter, God offers us today a Gaudy Sunday.

Wear something bright colored today, rejoice and be glad.

Blessings to All,



  1. Our family is praying for a speedy recovery and continued good news. Cooper, you are a terrific young man! Keep fighting and get better soon so we can have you back home! I promise I will wear something "gaudy" today! May God bless you and keep you and send His angels to watch over all of you.
    Much love,
    The Welch family

  2. Glad things are progressing in a good direction. Thinking of all of you so much.... Cooper, I chaperoned the McAuley Christmas Dance last night (I know, I can hear you--WHO chaperoned ME???!! Not funny, Cooper...) Anyway, I can't tell you how many of the high schoolers kept asking me about you. You're on the minds of so many people. Know that you're also in my heart. I will be saying lots of prayers today and offering my Mass later this morning for you, for good test results and vor good news tomorrow. Hope today is a restful day with little discomfort. Or none at all, that would be even better! Love to you and your wonderful parents!
    Mrs. Black

  3. I am so glad there are more and more little glimmers of hope everyday. I know everyone has been praying like mad for Cooper and we will all continue to do so.

  4. Hurray for Cooper! Hurray for his Mom and Dad! Praying for more continued progress. We are shopping for get well prizes after church today. Jilly says...I WANA BE UP THERE!!!!
    (she typed this) me, too.. See you soon.
    Love to you all...
    Aunt Janet and Jilly

  5. Great to hear the good news that Cooper man is on his way to recovery. Praise God for his miracles! As the prayers continue so will Cooper continue to improve. You guys are great and so loved. Ron...Don't let Wishbone out of your sight!

  6. Soo glad to hear the good news and that most everything is going well! Were praying non stop for you all! We miss you and hope to see you soon(especially Ally)!
    Love the Adrians

  7. This is such great news. My dad told me about Wishbone, thank goodness you have him back! The prayers, thoughts, and love continue your way.

  8. Glad to hear good news! You are in our prayers. Everyone misses you. I hope to see you soon.
    With love and prayers Your favorite After School Care Buddy,

  9. Hi Cooper,

    We are thinking of you and hope that you get well soon. I see your dad at work and heard about you so we wanted to send a message and let you know we are praying for you. My daughter Jillian was also a patient at Children's Mercy and her site is Just search for Jillian Sharp. The doctors and nurses at Children's Mercy are wonderful. We live close to the hospital so please let us know if you need anything. We would be happy to help out.

    Randy, Staci, Cameron, and Jillian Sharp

  10. So glad to hear of your progress, Cooper! I am sure it is a relief to you to be loosing the lines and tubes. We are sorry to hear you are struggling with pain. We will continue to pray for your comfort!
    Love and Prayers,
    The Peterson's
