Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Strong Day

It was a busy day today.
Sherry took Cooper to the orthodontist, to see about having his braces removed. He was scheduled to get them off in about a month or so, but the doctors in KC asked if they could come off now in order to get better MRI images since the braces cause a void in the image.

He then had to go to the lab at Freeman to get blood drawn, so they could check his medicine levels.

When I asked how it went getting him in and out of the car with the walker going in the orthodontist and lab - Sherry told me he walked on his own without the walker!

They then went and got Do-Nuts at Dudes!

In the afternoon the Physical Therapist came and then quite a few visitors, by the time I got home he was pretty worn-out.

We had dinner and he rested a while and is now watching George Lopez and ready for 4th meal.

good night



  1. Hey, Cooper, it was so AWESOME to see you today! You look great, and it was good to visit with you. Talking with you this afternoon made me realize just how much I miss you! I was so happy to hear about you walking all on your own! You just keep getting stronger and stronger. I'm so proud of you for the way you're handling this very difficult situation. I gotta say, you may be sporting a new funky 'do, but aside from that, you're still the same old Cooper that I know and love!
    Hope that gaggle of girls didn't wear you out! They sure were happy to see you. There was lots of love in your house today!
    Hope you get a good night's sleep and that tomorrow brings more progress, visitors and Burger King!
    Love ya! Mrs. Black

  2. cooper, it was so good to see you today! i love getting to talk to you and just hangin out. i hope you like your slippers! sounds like you had a busy day! i'm so proud of you for walking by yourself and making so much progress! thats great. well merry Christmas!
    hope to see you soon!
    Kenzie Larimore

  3. Way to go Cooper-no walker! Keep up the good work. What a way to be rewarded...donuts. Yum!I'm so glad your able to see your friends and catch up. I know that would make me feel better. Take it easy-stay strong.

  4. Cooper,
    Great job walking on your own and flirting with all those pretty young ladies! It must feel good knowing how well you're loved by so MANY people! Hope you have a good Christmas Eve and a Blessed Christmas. Tell your mom and dad that they are loved, too, by many people. As always, you are in our prayers.
    God Bless,
    The Welch Family

  5. Hey, guys: Sounds like a busy day, but very successful! We are thinking of you at during this Christmas season and wish you all the best. Boy after Christmas it will be time for mom's birthday. You are going to be doing a lot of celebrating! Get some rest during this busy time!
    The Leone's

  6. Cooper,
    Ok, I will try this again, I posted last night and lost my whole entry, I am not sure what the heck I did. We were so glad to hear about your good day, sounds like you were busy. Andrew and I agree pretty girls always make the day better! We wish we lived closer so we could be one of your visitors, But we are always near in thought and prayer. Hope your Christmas Eve is wonderful and that you and mom and dad have a blessed Christmas! Sending Love and prayers from Mississippi, The Card Family

  7. Sounds like a great day. Don't over do it so that you can enjoy Christmas.

    Cooper, last night I went to "snack" church and I wore my gray sweater in celebration of you.

    Love you Big!
