Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another day done

Dear blog,

Here's what happened today.

Cooper took three hikes down the hall along with mom and dad for support.
He still has weakness on his left side, but is working to get the strength and coordination.

He ate pizza for lunch and grilled cheese for dinner.

Nothing new from the doctors today.

Have a peaceful night.



  1. Wow, way to turn up the hunger and hiking, Cooper! That's AWESOME! All good signs. Looks like "the snow day train" has headed out of town. I think we're headed back to school tomorrow. I know all the 8th graders are excited about getting back for SPANISH...
    Have a good night and a great tomorrow. You're always on my mind and in my heart, Cooper.
    Mrs. Black

  2. Two of my favorite things to eat! So glad to hear about the great progress Cooper. You are doing so good. I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. Love you. Sweet dreams. God Bless!

  3. Cooper,
    Glad you had a good day, hopefully you and mom and dad will rest well tonight. So glad you are up and about a bit. Know that we may be far in distance, but close in heart and prayer. Goodnight and God Bless You! Love The Card Family

  4. Cooper,

    Pizza and grilled cheese! What more could you ask for? All that walking must have made you work up quite an appetite. You continue to be in my prayers and your whole family close to my heart. Stay strong and keep the faith. May God bless you and keep you and send His angels to watch over you always.
    The Welch Family

  5. Psssst...Cooper: physical therapy is good, respiratory therapy is good, rest and prayer is all good, but the key to getting better is playing practical jokes on the staff. Besides, you owe them some harrassment, as you've taken a bit from them. Think of the possibilities: what can they really do to you? You just had surgery for goodness sake! They can't take away your food or anything ordered by a doctor, there's no detention, no punishment that hasn't already been inflicted more than once. What's the worst that can happen? They discharge you?!? Children's Mercy has a long tradition of caring for teenagers with too much time on their hands. You're creative - I'm sure you'll think of something (and I bet you can even get your parents to help you.) Mr. Borgmeyer can probably help you if you need ideas, as they pay him to do this at his hospital. Nothing too bad now! And don't tell anyone I told you this. ;)
    Mrs. Borgmeyer

  6. Hey Cooper, I am in total agreement with Tracey Borgmeyer. It's time for the games to begin. Now don't tell me that you not a practical joker, I know your mom and dad too well. Em's Aunt Tina (a nurse practitioner) has told her lots of jokes that she has played on her patients so if you need some ideas Em has plenty to send your way. Glad you had a great day and the food sounds much better than what we had in our house yesterday. Keep up the great progress.
    Love ya,

    The Tarter's

  7. Good morning, Cooper. Hope you all had a good night! Well, the train came back--we're off school again today!! When Mr. Jones called me this morning he was a little stunned at my excitment! We'll all be checking in you throughout the day. Hope you have a good day. Go for the bacon again!
    Love, Mrs. Black

  8. Dear Vocelka Family: Hope things are still going well and daily progress is being made. We still have some slick roads and are home from school again which was a surprise to many. They say warmer weather for a fews days and then really cold again by Sunday. I guess this is winter! Sounds like some pretty awesome food for a hospital. They must really like you! Take good care of your parents and tell them hello from Joplin.
    The Leone's
