Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Work Out Day

Cooper had a good night - getting up only once in the night and sleeping in till 7:30.

He had been asking for Burger King for breakfast and today he got it. He ate almost all of a sausage egg and cheese croissant and three cinna-minis.

After breakfast he got out the hospital gown and into a t-shirt.

Then the occupational therapist came in and Cooper banished his parents form the room! :^)

Right after the OT the girls from PT came and whisked him off to the exercise room. Again he was glad to be rid of mom and dad.

Sometime during this the McKeuoghs came by and dropped off some goodies. Of course that was the only time Sherry or I have not been here. I tried calling and hopefully we will catch up with them before they leave.

Its a slush day in KC



  1. Dear Cooper,
    Sounds like things are going good for you. I'm sure when you get done with all the therapy,you will be really hungry.
    We are praying for you and your mom and dad.
    Have a restful day.
    My prayers,

  2. Hurray for a Burger King breakfast! Tell Dad to get his wallet ready... That steak dinner can't be too far off! Love and prayers to you and your Mom and Dad!

  3. You ARE the king, Cooper! SO glad to hear you have a good appetite and you're making requests. Enjoying our third snow day!!! I'm getting ready to take Mr. Black to physical therapy for his knee....
    Hope you have a good day today.
    Mrs. Black

  4. Hey, Coop! Glad to know your are making such good progress. I know mom and dad are probably able to relax (just a little) seeing how strong you are.
    Don't feel bad about chasing mom and dad off once in a while. They know that you're a teenage boy-that's how it is.
    Know that you are never far from our minds!
    Lorrie & Moe

  5. Hey Coop, Burger King rocks! I am glad to know that you are getting good food.
    Well, our school had a snow day today. Snow days are good (at least until we have to make them up!!!) Be good.
    Love, Aunt Tammy

  6. Wow, Burger King for breakfast! Sure beats the yogurt and banana I had! :) Glad to hear how well you are doing. Can't wait to see you back in Joplin.

  7. Cooper, glad to hear of your continued progress. I'm also glad to hear you're keeping such good company (PT's and OT's). During the pink week we continue to pray for joy for you and all around you!
    God Bless,
    Mrs. Peterson

  8. Cooper, Ron, and continue to be on our minds and in our hearts and prayer. Thank you for keeping us updated. Cooper sure are a lady's man! I know a few girls who are really missing him. They would love to visit whenever you feel up to it.

  9. Hey Coop!
    At least they're feeding you!! We are so happy to hear about your progress. You stay strong and brave and you remember that lots of people back home are praying for you and sending best wishes your way. All the kids here are hoping for freezing rain tonight to keep them out of school another day! Ron & guys stay strong too! You have a whole network of folks just waiting to help you out anyway we can..please ask us! Now I have to go try to get Connor to bed just in case there's no freezing rain and they have to go school!!
