Monday, December 15, 2008

Busy Day

It has been a busy day. The surgery and oncology teams came by. The lab tech came and took blood. The Occupational therapist and Physical therapists came by and got him moving. The repiratory therapist came. And he got a shower.

Through it all he has really done well and all are happy with the progress.

I think the boy is worn out and hopefully will sleep well tonight.

We have yet to get the final pathology report, so don't know more than a little that the oncologist told us. Maybe tomorrow we will get the results.

Written down it doesn't look like much - but it was a busy, busy day.

Good night,


  1. My days go by faster when I am busy...I hope yours do too, and that each day is better than the day before.

  2. Yes, it may not look like alot written down, but im sure it was. Hopefully if you have more busy days they will go by alot faster. Get better soon Cooper!

  3. I think your day sounds super busy compared to mine... A snow day without snow is not much fun. I heard from somebody that he has been wanting a shower... I'm glad he finally got what he wanted. I can't believe that the results have not come through yet. We are all so anxious. I said before that I would be checking this blog more than once and it turns out I was telling the truth. I must have logged on at least four times. We are always in a constant cycle of prayer for everyone.

    Your bud,

  4. A shower is quite an accomplished. The question is, did YOU get a shower, too? If the answer is yes, then you have underestimated your accomplishments today. If the answer is no, then there's always tomorrow. Praying good news is coming. We have made your cookies, casserole, and salad. We will leave them at the nurses station or reception area. I asked Liam if he always enjoyed visitors. He said not always, he really wanted some privacy. Me, too. Let us bring you some homemade food without any obligations from you. If Cooper (or you) would like a visitor, please call us at 417-434-2944. Have a wonderful evening. Jennifer

  5. It certainly does sound like a productive day. Heck, I didn't even take a shower today :)

    Love you Cooper, Ron, and Sherry. Praying for good news tomorrow.

    Good night, sweet dreams, and God Bless!

  6. Brian and I have noticed - the hospital is not a place to get rest! Even without visits from family and friends, all the staff want some time with you (or blood from you, a walk with you, a talk with you...) - it gets hard to find some quiet time and nights are not always better.
    We pray for the time when you'll be back in your own home, and your own beds, even if it's only for awhile.
    Big hugs from The Borgmeyers

  7. Hey!! Whats up?!,
    It's nice to hear that Cooper is getting better!! In truth and honesty I was really worries there but it's good to know that he is doing good!! My mom told me to stay strong for him and I will. SO STAY STRONG COOPER!!!
    I mean you must be really bored!! And there's not that much to do in a hospital. But anyway's I've heard that the hospital food is really bad. Is that true? Because Where I go to get hospital food, it's pretty good!!

    Well I have alot to write but so little time cause my mom won't leave me lone. So hope you enjoy this little comment on your blog. And I miss you ssssssssooooooooooo much!!!! I wish I could be there but I have schoo. But when you can get visitors, give me a heads up!!! And I'll be there soon then you know cause of me dad and how crazy he drives. well i better go!! So good night and sleep tight!!! Don't let the bed bug's bite!!!

    Your Friend,
    Audrey McGaughey

  8. Cooper,
    Sounds like you had a busy, but productive day! Glad to hear that you are still doing well. Hopefully you can get some rest tonight. Take care and God bless,
    Mrs. Minor

  9. Hey, Cooper, hope your day wasn't so busy that you missed time with your Spanish tutor, George Lopez!! :) ha, ha!
    It's another snow day tomorrow--Yipee! I am going to be up at the hospital tomorrow morning--Mr. Black is having minor surgery on his knee, so I wasn't planning on being at school tomorrow anyway. But I'm sure the kids are all excited! I know my Mary is--but she forgets she has to watch Scottie, Thomas and Lily while we are at the hospital though!
    So we wait another day for news, eh? That must be very frustrating for you and your parents, I'm sure. Well, I guess it just gives all of us another day to pray for good results! I hope you and your mom and dad have a restful night. God bless you all.
    Love, Mrs. Black
