Sunday, December 14, 2008

Room with a view

OK not really but more of a view than the PICU room's view of another building and roof top.

Yes Cooper is now out of ICU and on the Oncology floor - in a "regular " room.

They have put him on another type of pain med and it is in a pump so that he can press a button when the pain starts again and get quicker relief. Yes the machine is programmed so he can't "overmedicate" himself.

He seems to be resting better than he has since the surgery. And that is good - he needs to rest now before the next challenge.

What that challenge is, we won't know until the pathology reports on the tumor come back and we find out what the treatment will be. Hopefully we won't have to wait longer than tomorow, Monday.

That's it till later - Now go hug your kids.



  1. I'm so glad things are pogressing in a positive direction. Tonight we will pray that the pain will ease and good results will come from the pathology reports. You are on our minds constsantly. Rick and I have our hearts filled with thoughts of you, Ron and Sherry. And...Shelby is going through Cooper withdrawal. Wishing you all a good night of rest...The Kenkels

  2. Thinking of you and praying that things will continue to improve. Wesley was confirmed last night and we all said a special prayer for Cooper during the Mass. What a perfect time when the Holy Spirit is present in the Mass to lift up those we love. Warm thoughts and love for all of you, Sarah

  3. I'm so glad to hear that Cooper is out of PICU and in a "regular" room. I hope ALL of you get some good or at least decent sleep tonight. Sweet Dreams. God Bless You. Love to you all!

  4. We are glad to hear that Cooper is in a regular room with a much better view, or at least something more to look at. We are praying everyday for you and get a restful night tonight Cooper!
