Saturday, December 20, 2008


Cooper slept a lot today. Real sleep - not hospital sleep.

I am sure it was nice not having beepers going off. Or being awakened to take a pill, be interrogated ( do you know where you are? do you know why you are here?), have vitals taken, and a bright light shined in your eyes.

After a slow start he has been getting around with the walker with some help. Some of his medicines haven't leveled off yet so that makes for some difficulty also. His appetite has been good and his spirits lifted after a couple of phone calls. (OK we did answer the phone a couple of times but he only took one call and he made one to his cousin Jenni)

now he is about ready to call it a night.

love to all



  1. Cooper,
    I am so glad you got some good sleep, let me tell you, just ask anybody, good sleep is one of my favorite things! Glad your eating well, eating is good too. If something from the south sounds good to you let me know, I'll send it right up, pecans,grits, divinity, you name it I can find it! We love to end our day knowing yours has been good, keep it up!Sending Love and Prayers Always, The Card Family

  2. Cooper, it's always so much easier to sleep in the comfort of your own bed, isn't it? Glad to hear you're motoring around. Hope the rest of your weekend is restful and relaxing. Enjoy the quiet, because once your mom says it's okay to have visitors, you're going to need the fire marshall at your place because your visitors will exceed the occupancy level!!

    We all want to see you so badly, but we will wait until you and your folks are ready! Maybe you should make up a schedule where everyone signs up for a 30 minute visit (except me, I get an hour.....)J/K
    Sleep well. God bless you and your wonderful mom and dad!
    Love, Mrs. Black
    P.S. If you really want some GRITS, just let me know, I can go out in the yard and put some dirt in a bowl, it's about the same thing...There's a reason they make them in the South and NOT here...... (Love ya, Jane Card!)

  3. I'm glad to hear you had a restful day, Cooper. Now that you are home I hope you keep moving. I know it can be kind of hard without the physical therapist there to motivate you, but keep moving! If you need a physical therapist for anything, I am a recently retired home care therapist. I still have a few home care skills and loved the job. I'd still be doing it if it weren't for a better offer. Know that you continue to be constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything you need.
    Mrs. Peterson

  4. Just checking in on you. Thank goodness for real sleep. Aww-HOME,SWEET,HOME! Keep strong Cooper, we are all still here for you. In thought and prayer. Hey, if its the sweet treats your craving, I'm a baking maniac during the holiday season! I would love to share some with you. I'll gather you up a goodie basket in no time and deliver ASAP.
    We are here for you.

  5. Good morning Cooper. I hope you had another good night sleep last night. You will never know what it meant to me to be able to talk to you last night. You mean so much to me and I love you so much! I am so glad that you are home. You are doing great Cooper!

  6. Cooper,
    There's nothing quite like your own bed, is there? We're so glad you're home and moving about. Before long, your parents won't be able to keep up with you and all the socializing I'm sure you'll be doing. Unlike Mrs. Black, I think grits are great, especially with lots of butter! Mrs. Card does know what she's talking about! We're keeping those prayers going and will continue to. God Bless you and your mom and dad!
    Much love,
    The Welch Family

  7. Though I do not know you who live in the Joplin area, I want to thank you for the support you are giving my brother and his family.

    Cooper, Sherry and Ron, we love you guys, glad you are home. Just know the prayers continue from Houston.
    Paul and Kathy

  8. Dear Vocelka's: We were thrilled to hear you are home! If, we can do anything just call. Count me out on the grits! They sound awful! I also love a good nights sleep. It makes everything so much better. Take care!
    The Leone's

  9. Cooper,
    So glad to hear you are home for the holidays. What a great Christmas gift! Get as much rest as you can because I know there are a lot of people who are eager to visit with you. If there is anything you want (including grits) let me know! I'm also a baking maniac around the holidays.
    Take care!
