Thursday, December 11, 2008

Post Op

Cooper is out of surgery and is doing fine.

That part went well. They still do not know what type or anything else about the tumor. It will be at LEAST Monday before we know more.

SO we have gotten throught the surgery OK and now we wait.

Will post more as we learn more.

Cooper , Sherry & Ron


  1. So glad to hear the surgery is over and went well. We have been thinking of you all and praying a lot today. We will continue to do so.

    Becky Seidl

  2. Ron, Sherry and Cooper,
    We are all praying for you and so glad to hear that everything went well during surgery. Coop we'll be looking forward to having you spend the night again with Connor as soon as you are better. You're a pretty cool kid to have around and you are a great bud to Connor.

    We'll be thinking about you all.

    The Hempen Family,
    Tom, Cece, Connor, Hunter, Daisy, Scout, Lily, and Lucky.

  3. Glad everything is going good. You all have been in our prayers. When we announced that Cooper was out of surgery, you should have heard the CHEERS & YELLS!!!!!! Let us know if we can do anything. Give Cooper a hug from all of us!! You will continue to be in our prayers. Cooper ... can't wait for you to be back here with us!! Miss you!

  4. I hope everything is doing well. I will keep Cooper, and you guys in my prayers. I miss Cooper so much and I can't wait to see you guys again. Hope Cooper gets well soon.


  5. You are in our prayers and thoughts. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Liam is especially praying for Cooper. He told me last night that he knows Cooper is doing good because he knows the type of guy Cooper is. We are coming to clinic at CMH next Wednesday and do plan on dropping some items off (a dinner, cookies, cards, etc.). We will drop them off at the reception area for you. Please let us know if there is anything we can bring for you. 417-434-2944...God bless you.

  6. Hey, Coop! Wow, you are amazing! I'm so proud of you the way you are facing such a serious situation. I am missing you so much. Today in Spanish I think I called Connor "COOPER" 5 or 6 times. I even called Tanner "COOPER" a time or two. You know I'm not so good with names anyway, but I guess you're just really on my mind and in my heart, especially today. We had a nice little prayer service this morning after Mass. Mrs.Peterson had us all face north, extend our hand and send special blessings to you. Glad your surgery is over. You rest well these next few days. Now that you're officially off the bland diet, I'm taking you to El Vaquero for all the spice you can handle! I look forward to it! God bless you, Cooper.
    Love ya, Mrs. Black

  7. Lots of prayers were said today at St. Peters, and lots of prayers were said in CJ too. You guys mean so much to all of us. I am so glad the surgery went well. We'll keep praying!
