Sunday, December 21, 2008

4th Sunday of Advent

Wow - this Advent has been really something , no?

Nothing new to report, Cooper had a few visitors today and is looking forward to more.

I will go back to work tomorrow.

Sherry will bear the burden of primary caregiver. (But as I told Cooper this evening, it is very much a privilege for us to take care of him. Even though now it is more care than a 13 year old young man wants.)

Sherry is such an awesome mom. I am so glad she works in a Pharmacy and can keep all the meds straight. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't call one pill three different names!

Now to get ready for Christmas!

A Peaceful Night to All,


p.s. Cooper doesn't care for grits, I do not know where I went wrong. Salt and Butter on mine!


  1. Sounds like Cooper is doing pretty well. Cooper has 2 wonderful parents who have been just as amazing as Cooper through all of this (and lots of friends and family that wish they could do more).

    Good Night. Sweet Dreams. God Bless.

  2. We are glad that you were able to see friends today! We hope Santa is good to you this Christmas!
    With Love and Prayers,
    The Prices

  3. Cooper,
    I promise you if you had my cheese grits you would love them. For goodness sake don't let Mrs. Black sway you! So we may not ALL agree that we like grits, but I know we will ALL agree you have an awesome mom(and dad)! Like I said before, we love to end our day , knowing that your day was a good one! Sleep well, and know that we send our love and prayers always, the Card Family

  4. Just so you know, Cooper, there's not enough CHEESE in the WORLD.....enough about the grits!
    So glad to hear you were up to having a few visitors! I'm patiently waiting my turn--good things come to those who wait!
    I'm not sure who is luckier--you for having such wonderful parents, or your parents for having such a great kid!
    Hope it's a good night and that you continue to get more and more of your strength back each day. Enjoy your day tomorrow with your mom! God bless!
    Love, Mrs. Black

  5. Cooper,

    I will be bringing the girls over to see you on Tuesday - by the way they cannot wait. EM has been bugging me everyday since you got home. I figured that it would be around 3 p.m. let us know if this doesn't work for you. Love ya and cannot wait to see ya.


  6. Coop-
    I'm so excited to see you soon! I'm glad to hear your getting your strength back up. I hope you got a good nights rest. Are you ready for Christmas? I know I am. My family and I are all keeping you in out prayers!
    Love, Hugs, and Prayers!
    Lucy Borgmeyer

    ps- No offense Mrs. Card but I agree with Mrs. Black...ther's not enough chesse in the world to make GRITS taste better. haha;)

  7. Glad to hear you've had a good weekend at home. Cooper, Sherry, and Ron, you are all three a blessing to us. Thank you for sharing your faith and courage with us! Let us know if there is anything you need. Continued love and prayers your way,
    The Peterson's

  8. Dear Vocelka's: I think the best medicine is getting to come home to be with family and friends, especially during this time of year. We were thrilled to hear you are having visitors and progress is being made. Don't forget to rest. Tell your parents hello for us and take good care of them!
    The Leone's

  9. im sooo happy that you have been able to see people, espicaly your friends! I would love to come and see you sometime. Let me know a day or time thats good for you. It doesnt have to be this week, but i could bring you some Christmas goodies!

