Friday, December 12, 2008

Surgery #2 Update 2


Surgery was completed about aout 12:30

They will send him back to ICU and will do another MRI to check things out as soon as they can - unfortunately that may not be until Monday.

Anyay he is out of the second surgery and doing well for what he has been through.

Will post something this evening.


(ron, sherry cooper) :^)


  1. My husband Ryan and I are friends of Vicki and Jenni. Vicki told me about Cooper on Sunday and he is in our thoughts and prayers.

    Please let us know if we can do anything for your family.

    All our love,
    Cassie and Ryan Fisher

  2. I pray that Cooper is alright. God will get you guys through this. Tell Coop I love and miss him for me if you can.

  3. Sherry, Ron, & Coop,
    We're praying HARD!!!
    Please let us know if we can do anything.
    We'll keep up.
    The Estrada's
