Monday, December 15, 2008


Sherry left about 8:30 to go to Ronald McDonald House (RMH) to get a shower and some sleep.
Cooper got his medicine, got comfortable in bed, said good night and went to sleep. 20 minutes later they came - woke him up to take vitals. #$%^&

He did get back to sleep - until 10:30 when they came to give more meds.

Then his back was hurting and he couldn't get comfortable. But after much manuvering and getting an egg crate pad for the bed - he got situated. They did think to take his vitals at that time.

Now it is just about Midnight, the pain med has kicked in and looks like he is asleep. Hopefully he will get a few hours good rest.



  1. I hope the rest of your night was peaceful Cooper. Don't they know this is the season for Silent Nights. It sounds as if they are taking good care of you, and thats what we want. I hope mom and dad got some sleep too. We will pray for a great day and that each day is better than the one before. Sending love and prayers from the not so warm this morning South, The Card Family

  2. Have the morning rounds started yet? It's exhausting and those night nurses really get the hard shift. All of them are so good and do a very good job to make it as inconvenient as possible, but like Liam said yesterday, sometimes you just want some privacy.

    Karla Hurrell from Children's Miracle Network would like for me to pass her information on to you. Her phone number is 417-347-3793. Her email address is

    She is eager to help you in any way you need it. She can help with the RMH, gas for trips, and other things that I may not be fully aware of. Your social worker at CMH can also help be a liason for CMN paperwork.

    Sending prayers throughout the day for good news and decreasing pain.

    God bless you,

  3. Dear Vocelka Family: We are having another snow day! Things are sounding good for you and like progess is being made. Let us know if we can do anything on our end. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    The Leone's

  4. Vocelka's
    It can be difficult to get some rest in a hospital particularly after surgery. Hang in there, it will get better. We are praying for you.
    God Bless
    The Freitas Family

  5. Every day there is one more day closer to coming home and getting some sleep in your own beds! We're having another snow day so no homework to make up!!! We will keep praying for you to have some calm and peaceful nights to rest and heal.


  6. I hope you all were finally able to get some rest. It's cold and icky here, just as I'm sure it is there. A good day for being inside. Our family continues to pray for you and a quick recovery so you can be home in your own beds. We hope for a peaceful, blessed day for you today.
    Much love,
    The Welch Family

  7. Cooper, I am so glad you were visited by the PT and OT yesterday. From my experience as a PT, the more you move the better you'll feel, especially your back. My prayer for you today is for an active (in a good way) day so you'll sleep good tonight!
    Love and Prayers,
    Mrs. Peterson

  8. Our thoughts and prayers continue! Cooper, we look forward to seeing you soon. God Bless!
    the Larimore's

  9. Thank you for sharing the updates with us. We check in every day in hopes of good news. We are glad that Cooper finally got comfortable and got some rest. We have a Prayer candle lit in our home that we will continue to burn and pray to for you all.

  10. I'm glad Mrs. Volselka got some sleep... even if no one else did. She needs as much as possible. It sound as though everyone has had a very busy night to add to the hectic day before. It really sucks that you can't sleep any, Cooper, but I guess that's just the hospital life. Glad to hear your toughen it out! Turns out we have another snow day on our hands. It's slightly better than yesterday because there's a bit more snow! It really stinks that you can't be here to play in it... Anna said she would save a snowball for you, and I think I'll go out and make a miniature snowman for you too! All my love, and all my prayers...

    Your pal,
