Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Hoping all are having a happy and safe New Year Holiday

Cooper went Wednesday and had the last of the stitches and staples removed.
Dr. Greene said all looked good and from his end Cooper could start skateboarding again in about 4 weeks. Of course the other Doctors will have a say in that.

However Dr. Greene also said that even if chemo shrinks the tumor - he doesn't know that he will be able to go back in to resect more of it due to its location and how he would have to approach it. He said will have another look at MRI after Chemo.

We go back to KC on Monday to be there early Tuesday for Cooper's spinal tap and putting the pic line in. He is scheduled for first Chemo treatment Tuesday also.

Keep the prayers coming.

We pray all of you may have a new year filled with love, peace, and happiness.



  1. Well, then, Cooper! I guess if Dr. Greene might not be able to go back in to resect the tumor then it will have to just go away COMPLETELY with the chemo! So that is where my prayers will be for you from now on!
    We are happy to hear you are doing well and we (the entire McKeough clan) will keep praying for you and offering our Masses for you and your family. May you have a safe and comfortable trip to KC next week!
    God bless you always,
    Mac, Karina, Robert & Maureen McKeough

  2. Well, I say lets get this thing started so we can get this thing finished! While your in K.C-we might be here in Joplin, but we will be there with you in heart and spirit. Sending you strength, prayers and blessings. We continue to keep a prayer candle lit for you.

  3. Cooper,
    Always so glad to get an update, skateboarding in 4 weeks would be great! Know wherever you are, our prayers are with you and mom and dad! Sending love and prayers for all to go well in K.C. And safe travels, The Card Family

  4. Cooper,

    I agree with Penny, let's get this show on the road! Summer and Rosedale time are just around the corner and we expect you to be there getting all tanned and more handsome! Our prayers continue to be with you and your parents. May God bless you and keep you and send His angels to watch over you always!

    Much love,
    The Welch Family

  5. Dear Vocelka's: Thanks for keeping us posted. Praying Cooper responds very well to chemotherapy and the tumor completely disappears forever. Liam has a port, but very similiar to a pic line. Makes the pokes a lot easier on him. Take care and safe travels. Jennifer

  6. Sister Angelene and I want you to know that you are in our prayers. We will be praying hard that the chemo works wonders and you have few side effects. God bless you all.
    Sister Donata

  7. Cooper,
    Prayers continue! I am sure you have enjoyed your Christmas time at home but hope you are ready to get started on chemo and attacking this thing full force! Glad to hear the doc is in agreement with you skateboarding! I know you will look forward to that!
    Love and Prayers,
    The Peterson's

  8. Hi Cooper, I finally figured out how to get on your following list and make a comment! Just wanted to say I hope you had a great Christmas and I was wondering what you got?? Bet it was great to be home.
    Love to you and to your Mom and Dad. When you are up for it I would love to hear from you. Love, Vicki-Seattle

  9. I'm glad to see that Cooper is progressing so well. It makes me happy to see that a family like yourselves can take on a challenge like this with such a positive attitude. God is still with your family in this challenging time. Know that you are still in the thoughts and paryers of all of us seniors. Not just the seniors, but all of us at McAuley. Get well soon.


  10. Dear Vocelka's: Thanks for the new information. I am sure everyone is ready to get things started, so you can move forward and get back on track with the old daily routines. Skateboarding soon I am sure would make Cooper happy! Enjoy this beautiful weather and be safe on your travels!
    The Leone's

  11. Feliz Ano Nuevo! Skateboarding? Hmmm, I didn't know you were into that. I am SO KIDDING!! Do you remember the first article you turned in (for extra credit, might I add!!)? It was about a MEXICAN SKATEBOARDER!! Nice blending of you two most favorite activities, Cooper--skateboarding and (of couse..)SPANISH! I'm wiping away a tear right now....
    Okay, so we're going to really kick it up a notch on the praying about this whole chemo thing. You think we were praying hard before? You ain't seen nothin' yet!!! (there's a reason I don't teach English....I'll leave that to Mr. Williams!) Cooper, fact is, you're ALWAYS in our prayers and the prayers of SO many people. You are constantly on our minds and in our hearts. We will pray without ceasing. Even Thomas and Lily chime in at meal prayer to "bless Cooper" and again at bedtime. Their prayer ends with " Scottie to talk, keep Beau safe, (their cousin in the service) and please bless Cooper and make him better." I gotta tell ya, Scottie can talk pretty darn good, and right now, Beau is safe, so we're gonna keep them praying for you so they'll be 3 for 3!
    I know from talking to you before Christmas that you have a pretty good idea of what to expect with the chemo. You keep positive thoughts, Cooper, and think good things. I know you can do this. I pray that you will be able to tolerate the treatment and not have too much sickness. Okay, that's not true. I pray you don't have ANY sickness!! But if you do have to have some, I sure hope and pray that it's not too hard on you.
    I know your dad will keep us all posted--he's doing such a great job of keeping everyone informed. There's no mistaking how very much he and your momma love you and how precious you are to them!! You are so blessed to have such wonderful parents. And I'm sure they know how blessed they are to have such a wonderful YOU!!
    Have a safe trip, hurry home, and be well soon.
    We love ya~ The Black Family

  12. Hello, it's me again, Margaret...
    Hey, just wanted to say I didn't realize I was posting so long of a comment. Im sorry-- I'll try to keep it shorter in the future.
    Just can't help telling you how much we care about you, Cooper. (That and I'm afraid I write like I talk...and I don't need any fellow bloggers to put in their two cents about that....)
    Mrs. Black

  13. From the very beginning of this I have always included "and let Cooper be able to skateboard again and do all the things he loves" in my prayer so...I'll just keep it going. We will be thinking and praying for you all next week...and please know we are here if you need us. And I agree with so many others...if they can't take the tumor out, it will just have to go away. Our God can make this happen, and so much more. Love and prayers to all of you from all of the Kenkels.

  14. Cooper, I still don't have a car so I haven't been able to exchange your hoody but I haven't forgotten about it. I will get it exchanged and sent to you just as soon as I can. I miss you. We prayed for you at "snack" church today!

  15. Cooper we are praying for you and hope this next part of your treatment goes well. Know that you are in our prayers everyday! Prayers for peace and safety for you and your family!
    The Peterson's

  16. Cooper,
    Just thought I send you a quick note letting you know we are thinking about you and offered Mass for you today. I wasn't sure my post would fit because ya know Mrs. Blacks was sooooo long, but it looks like it might. Know that we may be far in distance, but we will be close in prayer every step of the way. I am ike everyone else, lets get the ball rolling and get you well! As always we send love and prayers from Mississippi, The Card Family

  17. Cooper,
    It is a big day for you and we are with you in spirit! It is good to be back to school (although we all miss you) where we can pray together for you. We prayed for you this morning at morning prayer and you have been the most popular prayer request in all of the religion classes! Hope you're feeling the power!
    Peace and Prayers,
    Mrs. Peterson
