Monday, February 9, 2009

just waiting

Sorry for the even longer delay this time.

Chemo went well last week and counts have been good. Cooper & Sherry got out of the house last Thursday and he said he felt really good.

Then Friday he started feeling not so good and being nauseated and vomiting. This went on through Saturday night. Not sure if it was delayed reaction to chemo, a stomach virus or what.

He was feeling better Sunday, just tired and achy from being in bed too much.

This may put a delay in his returning to school tomorrow.

This will be a long week as we wait for next week and the end of chemo, the next MRI and consult with the radiologist.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support.



  1. Hope Cooper is feeling much better, now! I know there is a lot of sickness going around, so would not blame you if you stayed home awhile longer waiting on everyone to get these germs gone! If, you need anything we are just a phone call away.
    The Leone's

  2. does this mean that next thursday is your last chemo treatment? that's something exciting to look forward to. i hope you are feeling better today. LOTS of prayers coming your way!!!!!!!!!!

    I love you!

  3. I am so glad to hear that your Chemo is almost over. On to the next phase and getting you back to skating. We always love to get updates, keeping you in our every prayer! Love, The Card's

  4. It's so good to hear from you and glad to know that Cooper is feeling better. I bet the kids at school are anxious to have you back. Just remember, no kissing! Hope all things continue to progress wonderfully. You are all always in our prayers.
    The Welch's

  5. Cooper, Im sorry that you are not feeling well. Im also sorry that you didnt get to come to school today. We all miss you there! I hope that you will be able to come soon! Get feeling better fast! We all are praying for you. Love,
