Monday, February 16, 2009


We are at Children's Mercy again waiting. Cooper is in having an MRI done of his head , neck and spine - it will take about 2 hours.

We hope that the chemo has shrunk the ramining tumor down to nearly nothing. Actually our prayer is that it destroyed all visible signs of the tumor.

This afternoon they will test his hearing again - since the chemo could have affected his hearing.

Chemo is over this week - Yea! Tomorrow we will meet with doctors, -radiologists and oncologists - to see what the next step will be.

Praying for miracles,



  1. We pray that the results this week are all great news in answer to all the prayers for Cooper. Know that we continue to send our prayers and we love you all.

  2. Cooper,
    Praying for great news and safe travels! Know we are here if you need anything.Sending our love and prayers, The Card Family

  3. Cooper, Ron, and Sherry,

    We continue to pray for healing, health, and great news. Let us know if you need anything.
    May God bless you and keep you and send his Angels to watch over you always.
    The Welch's

  4. Praying for GREAT test results for you, Cooper. So sorry to hear the oral chemo hasn't been sitting too well with you. I hope the nausea leaves you very quickly. When I talked to your mom this afternoon, she said you were sleeping. I hope you awakened feeling refreshed and with a better tummy! Thinking about you today and keeping you in our prayers. We had a special Mass for Mr. Sparks (the counselor at McAuley) today at 2:00 and offered a petition for you as well. Have a restful night. Hope tomorrow is a good day for all of you! Thanks for keeping us posted!
    Mrs. Black

  5. I believe in miracles! I have been blessed with many and I will continue to pray for a special Cooper miracle. Your family deserves it!! Love and Prayers to all of you.

  6. Cooper, Sherry, and Ron:
    Know that you're in my prayers constantly.


  7. We are praying for Cooper's Miracle...and a safe trip for all of you.

    the McGaughey's

  8. Sending prayers for 'Cooper's Miracle' and we will continue to keep the candle lit.
