Friday, February 27, 2009

Back Home Again

Well we are back after another trip to KC. All good this time.

Wednesday afternoon Cooper did 4 hours of cognitive tests to be used as a baseline for future reference after radiation treatments etc to check for decrease in cognitive ability.

Thursday morning we took him to the ophthalmologist. He has 20/20 vision but does have some permanent loss of peripheral vision on the left side.

We then went across town to the Kansas City Cancer Center in Overland Park to see the radiation oncologist. She explained the radiation treatments. He will receive 33 treatments of Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. (here is a website with some info about IMRT ) Treatments will be at the KCCC in OP, M-F and will last about 6 1/2 weeks. Hopefully we will begin treatments by end of next week.

During treatment we will mostly likely stay at Hope Lodge in KC. It is kind of like a Ronald McDonald House but is only for cancer patients. Here is info about the one in KC

Also next week we go back to see neurosurgeon to have stitches removed from surgery to insert shunt and a CT scan to check on the shunt.

Cooper has been feeling quite well and in very good spirits since the shunt was inserted and seems to be getting stronger each day.

with love,



  1. Hey Cooper! Keep that spirit up and stay strong. We think of you often and continue to send strength and courage to you, through our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Cooper,
    Nothing makes our day more than knowing things are good with you! Sounds like they have everything all lined out for you, now to get on it and get done! Skatebording weather is just around the corner. You know OP is my hometown so if you need anything I have connections, let us know! We are always sending our love and prayers, The Card Family
