Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Chemo

Tuesday morning did not look good for traveling to KC. Sherry called to tell them we would not make it, and I headed off to work. However 249 was fairly clear so I shot over to 71 and it looked OK. I called Sherry and told her to go ahead and get ready. In the mean time the clinic called back and said that they had mis-scheduled us. Our appointment was for 1, but the treatment would take more than 4 hours so we needed to come Wednesday morning.

So that turned out well, since it was slower going up 71 hwy, but the road was clear except for a few patches and most folks were driving in a sane manner. We got to KC and spent the night.

Wednesday morning we went to the clinic about 9:30 and they got him started about 10:00.
The rest of the day was a bit boring. Luckily though he had taken the anti-nausea medicine and they worked, he did not get sick at all from this treatment. They also started him on an oral Chemo drug he will take for 3 weeks.

We left KC about 4:30. He was feeling well enough that we stopped for Chinese on the way and arrived home about 7:30.

The home health nurse drew blood today and his counts were already falling, so we will stay in this weekend. Then back to KC for his last Chemo treatment at the clinic next tuesday.

Feb 16 we go back to KC for MRI, and consultation with the radiologist.

love to all


  1. Cooper,
    So glad you are all home safe and sound! I heard the weather there was terrible, and have been worried about your trip to K.C. Stay in and keep warm this weekend, and will pray for better weather next week! Know we think of you and offer our prayers for you daily. Andrew will call you soon! Sending love and prayers to you always, The Card Family

  2. Cooper, Ron & Sherry -
    So glad you made it safely up the highway and back home! We will be praying you tolerate the treatment well and recover your counts easily!
    Sherry, it was great to see you for a little bit on Saturday - thanks for letting us have your mom for a short while, Coop!
    Love and hugs to you guys!
    The Borgmeyers

  3. Hey, Cooper! I am so thrilled to hear how well you handled this round! That's so fantastic that you did not get sick (knock on wood!!!) You're really something, do you know that?!! I'm also glad you had safe travel, we--and a lot of others--were awful worried about you with this weather. (The snow days did ROCK though!!--Remind me of that when we're still at school in June....)
    Sounds like a quiet weekend for you. Who are you pulling for in the SuperBowl? My heart wants Kurt Warner's team to win but we'll see. I hope you have a relaxing weekend. Stay warm and healthy!
    Love ya,
    Mrs. Black

  4. Cooper,
    We're so glad you made it to KC and home safely! I don't know about you, but we're pretty tired of snow and ick around the Welch house. The weather reports for next week look cold, but clear. Good for safe travel. We continue to pray for good numbers and a good report. Take care of yourself and mom and dad. Give each other hugs. May God bless you and keep you and send His angels to watch over all of you.
    Much love,
    The Welch Family

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey! Hey! Another one bites the dust..Yeah! Good job Cooper, you are getting them down and out of here. Hang in there Cooper. Sending prayers of strength and healing to you all.

  7. Thanks for the update. You are ALWAYS in our thoughts. Keep up the good work and we'll keep praying. I know lots of kids who miss you. You've been such a good friend to so many....and so have your mom and dad.

  8. Cooper,
    I've been keeping up with your progress through your classmates. I am so glad to hear that you've been feeling well and all your travels have been safe! I hope you enjoy the sunny day!
    Continued prayers for your health and safety,
    Mrs. Peterson

  9. Thank you for keeping us updated. We all love you so much and want to know how all of you are doing. Glad to hear that Cooper didn't get sick with this round of chemo. Just today a friend of mine was asking about Cooper. I'll be happy to report that he is doing well. Love you and talk to you soon.

  10. Hey, thanks for the update. Things sound like they worked out well. Looks like the weather will be much better this week. Call if you need anything. We are available. Sending prayers and sunshine to all!
    The Leone's
