Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Again!

We are home!

Cooper is doing great - a bit of pain in his abdomen where the incision is - but that is normal.

He will go next week to finally meet with radiologist oncologist about radiation treatments.

In two weeks he will go back to neurosurgeon to have stitches removed and a CAT scan to check on the shunt.

Another hurdle cleared and on track to kick cancer's butt.

Have a great weekend.

love to all,


  1. So glad you are home and Cooper is back. Your faith and strength is amazing.

  2. Good Job, Cooper! You just keep going the way you are and in no time you will be back to school and skateboarding, too! God bless you and your family. We are still giving praise and Thanks to our Mighty Lord for the gifts He brings!

  3. YEA for Cooper!!!! So glad your home, so glad your feeling better! We continue to send up prayers for your continued good progress! Have a great weekend, eat some El Vaquero for us! Love and Prayers, The Card's

  4. Welcome home, Cooper! Sounds like you continue to be a miracle. When spring finally gets here, I'll be you'll be on that skateboard.
    Love and God's blessings,
    The Welch's

  5. Hey, guys sounds likes things are heading in the right direction. I'm sure this spring like weather will also help out. We are thrilled with the progress being made. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers!
    The Leone's

  6. This is such great news. You all are doing such an amazing job. I love you so much. The prayers and love continue your way.
