Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Power of Love = miracles

Today we were suppose to go to the clinic for a blood draw and then to meet with the radiologists about radiation treatments

But Cooper had been nauseated and vomiting all night and then they couldn't find a vein for the blood draw - not a good start.

They finally had special nurses come and get the needle in - he had to be stuck 4 times before they got it. He had a headache, was nauseated and exhausted from being up all night. They put him in a room where he could sleep and ran some IV fluids.

We met as scheduled with the oncologist who told us the results of yesterday's MRI.

NO TUMOR! that's right there is no sign of any tumor remaining! You did it! All your prayers and love worked a miracle.

He will still have to have radiation treatments because there may be remaining cancer cells, but we have gotten through a another hurdle. We meet with the radiologist about radiation treatments on Thursday this week.

Thanks to everyone for all the continued prayers, support and generosity. You all rock!



  1. Glory Be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! This family will be offering our prayers of Thanksgiving to our great and merciful God for you. We are sooooooo VERY HAPPY FOR YOU ALL!!!
    WAY TO GO, COOPER!!!!!!!!!!!

    I lit a candle this afternoon for you Cooper and for good results. We will send up prayers of thanksgiving and ask for his continued blessings on you. Your awesome and we all know that, but most importantly God knows that! We are cheering and praying here in the South! Sending our love and prayers, The Card Family

  3. All I want to do is cry tears of joy!!! Wow!! Our God is an awesome God. I so hope you will feel better over the next couple of days so that you can celebrate this victory in style.

  4. For those of you who are thinking, "Praise God, she's without words," I was referring to the blessed news about the tumor being gone....(Jane Card, I can read you like a book!!)


  5. Great News! We are so thrilled with your MRI results. We said a prayer of thanksgiving tonight at the McAuley basketball game. Everyone is thrilled with the news! We are continuing to keep you in our prayers and will be with you all of the way! The power of prayer has shown awesome results! It is hard not to cry for joy with this good news! Your strong faith in God and family support has worked miracles.

    Love to all,
    The Leone's

  6. OH MY GOSH! Tears of happiness and praise are flowing down my face! I quiver in the knowledge that our wonderful God had blessed you and healed you. His power and grace is just awesome and we will continue to pray for you all. Thanks be to God.

  7. You are such a testimony to the power of prayer and unshakable faith. Praise God!
