Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chemo Day 2

Cooper has done well today, not much going on. Mom and Dad did have to learn to give him the shots he will need at home and how to flush the PICC line.

Cooper will have another chemo treatment this evening at 6 and we should be going home tomorrow morning.

We then have to come back for another treatment next Tuesday but should be able to go home the same day.

He doesn't have to come back then for a couple of weeks and we do the same thing again. So 5- or six weeks more in the Chemo cycle.Hopefully that will be it for the Chemo treatments.

He will then start radiation treatments. How much, how long radiation will be, we will not know until after Chemo is done and we see what effect it had.

That's about it from here.



  1. Delighted to hear Cooper man did well. Know the prayers continue. Be safe driving home. Cooper, you are the man and your parents are the best. Love to all.

  2. You guys are some of the best parents I know...and Cooper deserves the best. God sure knows what he's doing. Hang in there! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. Thanks for the update, we are always glad to know how Cooper is doing! Cooper like I said before your awesome, so glad you had another good day. It takes awsome parents to have an awesome son. We love ending our day knowing yours has been good! Safe travels home, love and prayers, The Card Family!

  4. Ron, Sherry, and Cooper, glad to hear all is going well and that you will be heading home tomorrow! You are all an inspiration and so thoughtful to keep up with the posts. We are grateful to be able to stay connected with you even when you are in Kansas City. Let us know what you need when you return.
    Love and Prayers,

  5. This is all very good news. So glad to hear how well Cooper is doing. Ron, Sherry, and Cooper you are such an inspiration. The prayers continue coming your way. Love you. Sweet dreams and God bless.

  6. It was so good to talk to you all this evening, especially you, Cooper. Definitely the highlight of my day! Thank you for that gift! I'm so glad you got through yesterday and today. You're quite a remarkable young man. How does that pepperoni pizza we talked about sound for dinner tomorrow night? Consider it done! Have a peaceful night. I'm thankful that you have Round 1 behind you. God bless you and your wonderful mom and dad! Have a safe trip back to Joplin.
    Mrs. Black

  7. We're so glad this round is coming to an end and that you will be home soon. There's nothing like home to make things better! Cooper, you are being so strong. I am very much in awe of your perseverance. We pray for a safe trip home. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING! Hug your folks and have a peaceful night.
    Love and God's Blessings,
    The Welch Family

  8. Dear Vocelka's: Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Stay strong and we are sending tons of prayers your way! Be safe on your travels and the weather is on your side.
    The Leone's
