Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chemo 3

Went to KC today for third chemo treatment.
White blood count is low, but that is to be expected. They will draw blood again Thursday (home health nurse will do it ) and if the count has not started to rise, he will have to have a blood transfusion.

Also the rash on his stomach spread and the doctors think it was a side effect of the antibiotic - so they have changed to a different type.

Otherwise all went well today. We were thankful for clear weather and dry roads.

Next appointment is in two weeks for another chemo treatment.

Tomorrow Ron will go pick-up some school work for him to start on - he seems ready. (We'll ease into it)

Thankful for the many blessings we still yet receive.

Love to all,


  1. Glad to hear things went pretty good today. Cooper, I hope you are feeling well and that the chemo doesn't make you sick. It's good to know you have another treatment behind you. 8B and I ended the day with a special prayer for you this afternoon. You were on our minds---AGAIN!!
    Get some rest. You'll need it for all of that school work that is coming your way! I sent some Spanish. If you need anything you let me know.
    God bless you, Cooper.
    Love, Mrs. Black

  2. Cooper,
    So glad to get an update! I am glad you had safe travels, and this third treatment is behind you. If low counts are to be expected, we will pray for them to rise! Go slow on the school work, and get lots of rest. As always we send our love and prayers to you and mom and dad from Mississippi, The Card Family

  3. Hi Guys! We are keeping you in our prayers and are so grateful for good weather conditions for your travels. I'm so glad that there is a way to do much of this treatment as an "outpatient" but of course, the driving comes with it. Getting to sleep in your own bed and not being awakened all night for vitals is a good thing.
    Sending love & prayers!
    The Borgmeyers
    P.S. I hope I finally figured out the password re-set problem that wouldn't allow me to post anything, but be assured, we keep up on your news!

  4. Cooper, Sherry, Ron,
    Glad the "trip" went well. I and my prayer group in Washington continue with our prayers.
    Cooper, this is a great way to find out if Mrs Black is really your favorite Spanish teacher -- see how much work she sends!
    Much love and unceasing prayers,
    c in Seattle

  5. Dear Vocelka's: Glad to have you home safe and sound. Cooper I really liked the idea of having the girls stop by and help out with your homework. That sounds like a fun way to handle it! I will talk to you guys soon. Get plenty of rest and stay warm. Glad you have a little break from K.C. We are always send prays your way!

    The Leone's

  6. Yeah! You did it Cooper..another one down! Hang in there and stay strong. Thoughts of all of you and keeping you in our prayers.

  7. Hi guys. Glad you are home.
    Cooper, you should be getting the hoodie soon and sounds like you'll be able to use it. Stay warm, stay rested. I love you.

  8. Hey Coop! so gald your doing well! Stay strong like i know you can! Love You Lots! Let me know if you need anything! -Ally

  9. Hey Cooper,

    Glad treatment number 3 is behind you. Let's hope the weather continues to be clear when you have to travel. I'm absolutely sure those pretty young ladies would be more than happy to help with that homework. Keep strong and warm! As always, we continue to pray for you. May God bless you and keep you and send His angels to watch over you.
    Love, The Welch Family

  10. Hi Cooper,
    I've been having some techfical snifficulties as you can see but I seem to be back in action now. I have been keeping up with your progress through your texting with classmates. You are an inspiration to them as you are to the rest of us! I haven't sent any religion homework because I think you are on a spiritual journey of your own right now. However, if you want some religion homework I would be glad to send it! We continue to pray for you and you continue to be at the top of the prayer requests in every class. You are in our thoughts and prayers,
    Mrs. Peterson
