Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cabin Fever

Sorry it has been a week since last post - but not much going on.

Last Thursday his cell count was low - the nurse practioner said he did not need a blood transfusion, but to keep him home and protect from possible infection. So he was confined to the house for the past week.

Monday, home health care drew blood again and his counts were way up. So last night we were able to get out of the house and go out to dinner. That helped relieve some of his cabin fever.

He has been working on some school work - but hasn't been overdoing it. :^)

We've been blessed in his not having any fevers or infection and not having to go back to the hospital.

His next chemo treatment is next Tuesday, it is outpatient at the clinic, so we will make a one day run to KC.

He has begun to think about Make-A-Wish ideas and as always is looking forward to being able to skate again.

Will post again next week, as life for us has a "new normal" and hopefully there won't be much to write about.

Blessings to all,


  1. Sounds like everything is going well. I'm sure it was nice to get out of the house and be able to go out to eat. The love and prayers continue.

  2. Oh, thank goodness for the new post. I didn't know if it was me, the computer or if something was wrong. I must tell you how addicted I've become to checking in on you and that it is a daily ritual. I was having withdrawls!? So-we are still here for you, still thinking of you and still praying for you. If there are any other 'stills' you need-let us know.

  3. Glad to hear normal is coming back to your life. You are in our prayers. Glad Cooper is doing better and able to get out of the house again. Audrey says "HEY COOPER".
    love to all of you,
    the mcgaugheys

  4. Ok,I was like P,E,M,R, We have you as one of our favorites on the computer and we have all about worn the thing out checking on you! I must say it was a happy day when Alex let us all know you posted and Cooper was doing well! We are so glad things are going well and continue to send up prayers for them to keep going well. Know we send our love and prayers, The Card Family

  5. Well, I'm okay with it being a few days--I figure NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS! But like everyone else, it is good to hear from you and GREAT to hear Cooper is doing so well with his counts that he was able to break out! Which leads me to what I am most curious about-----WHERE DID YOU GO EAT???? WHAT DID YOU ORDER????? HOW GOOD WAS THE FOOD AND JUST BEING OUT IN PUBLIC??? If I had to guess, I would think you might've gone to El Vaquero---si o no?!
    Wherever you went, I'm so glad you were able to get out. It must've really felt good, Cooper. Enjoy these next few days. Let me know when you're ready for a little espanol time with me! (Perhaps we could get together at El Vaquero and REALLY brush up on our Spanish together! You just let me know when you're ready!) Take care, Cooper!
    Love, Mrs. Black

  6. Dear Cooper,
    I'm so glad you got some time out! That's awesome. Winter isn't my favorite time of year anyway, so any time out is great with me. We continue to pray for you and your folks. Hope your next trip is dry and clear and that your numbers stay good. Take care of yourself!
    Love and God Bless,
    The Welch's

  7. Cooper has always been strong. Don't tell the teachers but I'll help do his homework for him. I need to call him but I can't visit because Jerome gave me his cold. It's great that he isn't in the hospital but tell him that we're still having the wheel chair race. Tell him to give me a call anyday and I'll get Jerome to drive him to go skating. haha


  8. It must have been nice to get out of the house after so long. The three of you are an amazing family and it amazes me how strong all of you are. I truly believe that God's healing will come for all of you. Stay positive and anything can happen. Remember all of us at McAuley are still thinking about you Cooper. Good luck and God speed from all the seniors.

