Thursday, January 8, 2009

Home again

We are now back home. Yea!

The oncologist came by before we left and said the preliminary tests from the spinal tap looked good.

Cooper is doing well, but we are all tired. There is no rest in hospitals!

The home healthcare company delivered the home meds right after we arrived home and I think the home health nurse starts coming tomorrow.

School is getting work together for Coop so he can get to work next week. He is SO EXCITED! NOT!

We go back to KC next Tuesday for another Chemo treatment- but do not have to stay overnight. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as today.

Thanks for all the prayers. Keep' em coming.



  1. Glad you are back home and can hopefully get some rest. Sounds like everything is just truckin' along. I'm sure Coop can't wait to get busy with school work.

    Have a good evening. Love you and miss you.

  2. Glad you guys are home. Cooper I hope they do not give you to much work from school. If they do call the girls over and tell them you need help! On the topic of learning, you sir, have tought me many things. We love you guys, know the prayers continue.
    Paul and Kathy

  3. Cooper, Glad you are home again and that you had a sunny day for driving. The weather should be nice tomorrow, I hope you enjoy it!
    We continue to pray for you at mass on Thursday as well as before each religion class.
    Prayers for healing and strength for you,
    Mrs. Peterson

  4. Glad your home.
    Have fun doing your school work.
    If you need anything just give me a call.
    Prayers for you,

  5. Hey, Coop

    If you need help with school work, you know I am just a call away.

    Love you bunches, :-)

    Aunt Tammy

  6. Ron,
    Tought is Swedish. Esta bella TOUGHT e varry mooch da mesaca inde skew. Translation: We are taught much music in school. So you see Ron, I was meaning TAUGHT, but my mind was thinking in Swedish.

    Later little brother, I love ya!
    Pablo (that's spanish for Paul)

  7. Cooper, I have tried twice to post a comment and both times I have somehow deleted them, I am sure it is not me, it must be this computer! HAHA! So I am going to make this quick and say WELCOME HOME VOLCELKA FAMILY!(sounds a little like Ty Pennington)! Rest up, relax and know we are sending up prayers like crazy down here in the South! Glad this first week is behind all of you! Sending our love and prayers, The Card Family

  8. Welcome Home! We are just a phone call away if you need anything! Get some rest! I am sure you're eager to get the school work!
    The Leone's

  9. Home Sweet Home-yeah! Well, you got one down-so,take any opportunity you can to get rest-all of you. Sleep is good. Be strong and stay safe in your travels. We thinking of you and sending prayers as well.

  10. Hope you had a good first day home! At least the weather was pretty! I know you are a WONDERFUL student and you must REALLY be looking forward to homework. I know it must be good to be back in your own home. Take care and rest when you can. A birdie told me that you like chocolate chip cookies and they just happen to be one of my specialties, so I'll see if I can whip some up for you. Rest well and take care. We'll continue to send up prayers.
    The Welch Family

  11. Glad you're home. I expect you will have some ups and downs with the chemo as I remember it from my brother-in-law from this time last year. He's doing great now and we're sure Cooper will be too! We will continue to pray for all of you!!
