Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Normal Days

Cooper had a friend spend the night Friday. On Sunday we went to Mass and then out to lunch. In the afternoon Cooper went to Youth Group and we then went to friends for dinner.

Cooper went back to school Monday and again on Tuesday and is doing really well. He was so happy to have a few normal days.

Tomorrow we go back to KC to have stitches removed and CT scan to check on the shunt.

He plans on being in school Thursday and Friday before having to go Monday to begin radiation treatments.



  1. Coop,
    Thanks for the reminder that the boring, normal days of life are truly gifts! Sorry next week isn't going to work for a visit but I will see you soon, just let me know when.
    love and prayers,
    c in seattle

  2. Cooper,
    Enjoy all the wonderful time with friends, studying, and just being a teenager. We'll keep praying for you.
    Much love and God bless,
    The Welch family

  3. Cooper,
    I tried to post a comment this a.m., but once again it is lost in cyberspace. Just wanted to let you know how happy we are that your life is getting back to the ol' normal way it used be. Normal is good, and we are glad your good. Know you will continue to be in our every prayer,and thinking about you as you skate this weekend. Sending love and prayers your way, The Card Family
