Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One down, 32 to go

Monday Cooper had his first radiation treatment. All went well. They had to take additonal scans so it took longer than it will from now on. He should be in and out within 30 minutes each day.

Also this week Dr. Guest, Cooper's oncologist is working at the Cancer Center - so that is comforting.

He found George Lopez seasons 1 & 2 on DVD. So now he will be able to maintain his addiction!

I started my Honey Do list I am working on while they are gone.



  1. Cooper, Know that we are counting down right along with you. They will be over in no time and you will be home where you belong. We are always glad to get an update and delight in knowing you have had a good day. Remember if you need anything while your in K.C.,let me know. Sending our love and prayers to you, mom and dad, the Card Family

  2. So glad to hear the first one went well. I'm sure the others will too.
    Also glad to hear you're hooked up with that Spanish tutor, George Lopez. He'll teach you things I couldn't--especially in a Catholic school!! :)
    It was so great to have you back in class last week, Cooper. I will send you those pictures we took. And I think you're wrong--your male modeling career doesn't have to be over because of your scars. They add character, ruggedness--I think you still have a shot!!
    Great hearing about you! Miss ya!
    Mrs. Black

  3. Thanks for the update! So glad that things are going well! We are thinking of you in Joplin and you are not missing any nice spring weather. These past couple of days have been really cold and even wet. Yucky! They say it will be warming up soon. Take care and enjoy your extra time in K.C. There is so much to do there! Looking forward to hearing from you guys!
    The Leone's
