Friday, March 13, 2009

Week One Done

Not much to tell other than Cooper has finished his first week of radiation therapy and is back home.

All seems to have gone well this week and he is doing fine.

Five down - 28 treatments to go!

Have a great weekend.



  1. Thanks for the update! Was glad to hear Cooper is home. Hope you guys have a great weekend! Sounds like the weather is going to be beautiful really soon! God bless your family!
    The Leone's

  2. Cooper, So glad week one is over and that you are home. Hope you have a great weekend! Know you are always in our thoughts and prayers! Love, The Card Family

  3. One round down! Glad you're home for a bit. Enjoy the weekend and time together. Spring is coming and with it new life and new hope! Always praying for all of you.
    Much love,
    The Welch's

  4. Way to go, Cooper!!! Sounds like this week was uneventful--THAT'S GOOD!!!! Hope you and your mom were able to get in some fun time, seeing new things, visiting new places, trying new restaurants, etc! Proud of you--once again.... I hope these weeks fly by for you. And then before you know it, you'll be back at school! 8th grade trip is right around the corner! Enjoy your weekend!
    Mrs. Black
    It was good to see your dad at Munch Madness!
