Saturday, February 28, 2009


The Cancer Center called and Cooper will begin radiation treatments Monday, March 9 and should be done with last treatment April 22.

Friday Sherry took Cooper up to school - a serendipitous visit because they just happened to be taking a class picture for the year book. So Cooper got to be in it! Sherry said all the kids and teachers were thrilled to see him. We hope to have him in school next week for a few days before having to "move to KC" for a month and a half for radiation.

with much love

Friday, February 27, 2009

Back Home Again

Well we are back after another trip to KC. All good this time.

Wednesday afternoon Cooper did 4 hours of cognitive tests to be used as a baseline for future reference after radiation treatments etc to check for decrease in cognitive ability.

Thursday morning we took him to the ophthalmologist. He has 20/20 vision but does have some permanent loss of peripheral vision on the left side.

We then went across town to the Kansas City Cancer Center in Overland Park to see the radiation oncologist. She explained the radiation treatments. He will receive 33 treatments of Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. (here is a website with some info about IMRT ) Treatments will be at the KCCC in OP, M-F and will last about 6 1/2 weeks. Hopefully we will begin treatments by end of next week.

During treatment we will mostly likely stay at Hope Lodge in KC. It is kind of like a Ronald McDonald House but is only for cancer patients. Here is info about the one in KC

Also next week we go back to see neurosurgeon to have stitches removed from surgery to insert shunt and a CT scan to check on the shunt.

Cooper has been feeling quite well and in very good spirits since the shunt was inserted and seems to be getting stronger each day.

with love,


Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Again!

We are home!

Cooper is doing great - a bit of pain in his abdomen where the incision is - but that is normal.

He will go next week to finally meet with radiologist oncologist about radiation treatments.

In two weeks he will go back to neurosurgeon to have stitches removed and a CAT scan to check on the shunt.

Another hurdle cleared and on track to kick cancer's butt.

Have a great weekend.

love to all,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

post op

Cooper is back!

After two weeks of headaches, nausea and vomiting -Cooper is back to feeling like himself.

After being brought back to his room he has not been asleep, has not become nauseated, not taken any pain meds.

He has logged on to the computer, texted his friends, had a couple of visitors, eaten spaghettios, and drank Dr Pepper.

He said the incision sites are a little sore but that's all and is ready to go home.

He is such a champ.

with thankful hearts,

surgery update

Dr. just came in - surgery is done. He put in a shunt that will drain the fluid to his abodomen.

An incision in his stomach will be more to recover from than the head incision.

We do not know how long the shunt will have to be in. Dr said fluid was clear but they will send off to pathology to be sure cancerous cells aren't be drained off to other parts of his body.

This of course has delayed the treatment scehdule and will have to wait and see when we will be able to move on to radiation.

thank you for all your prayers,

with love,



They have taken Cooper to surgery to drain off the fluid and relieve the pressure. Dr. was not yet sure what type of shunt or drain he would use until he got in.

Will update as we can.


In the hospital

3:00 AM Thursday

Wednesday the Neurosurgeon called and left a message on the phone at home. Sherry called his office but they had left for the day, so she called our nurse practitioner. NP said the surgeon had reviewed the MRI was concerned about the pocket of fluid. The oncologist had said there was excess fluid and that she would consult with the surgeon.

Now two days after his last chemo dose he was still having headaches and throwing up. SO the past week and a half of headaches and vomiting were not from the chemo but from the pressure of the fluid in his brain.

Sherry called the Doctor on call and when I got back to KC we took him to the hospital and they admitted him.

Later today, Thursday, they will do another surgery to drain the excess fluid. Details of how and what they will do we do not know right now. According to the NP and Resident Neurologist this isn't uncommon after the type of surgery he had previously.

Will post more as we find out later this morning.

Prayers please.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Power of Love = miracles

Today we were suppose to go to the clinic for a blood draw and then to meet with the radiologists about radiation treatments

But Cooper had been nauseated and vomiting all night and then they couldn't find a vein for the blood draw - not a good start.

They finally had special nurses come and get the needle in - he had to be stuck 4 times before they got it. He had a headache, was nauseated and exhausted from being up all night. They put him in a room where he could sleep and ran some IV fluids.

We met as scheduled with the oncologist who told us the results of yesterday's MRI.

NO TUMOR! that's right there is no sign of any tumor remaining! You did it! All your prayers and love worked a miracle.

He will still have to have radiation treatments because there may be remaining cancer cells, but we have gotten through a another hurdle. We meet with the radiologist about radiation treatments on Thursday this week.

Thanks to everyone for all the continued prayers, support and generosity. You all rock!


Monday, February 16, 2009


We are at Children's Mercy again waiting. Cooper is in having an MRI done of his head , neck and spine - it will take about 2 hours.

We hope that the chemo has shrunk the ramining tumor down to nearly nothing. Actually our prayer is that it destroyed all visible signs of the tumor.

This afternoon they will test his hearing again - since the chemo could have affected his hearing.

Chemo is over this week - Yea! Tomorrow we will meet with doctors, -radiologists and oncologists - to see what the next step will be.

Praying for miracles,


Friday, February 13, 2009

PICC line is out

The PICC line came out yesterday. Unfortunately Cooper was still feeling so nauseated and yucky all day through last night so there was little celebration. Hopefully the nausea will go away this weekend before we head to KC again on Sunday.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

quick update

Cooper is till feeling a bit nauseated the past couple of days. Monday his counts were still low. So it is best he stay home still. The PICC line for some reason is not letting blood be drawn and so he has had to be stuck the last couple of times blood was drawn. Hopefully though the PICC line will come out this week.

Hoping all in JoMo got through the storms OK and that you stay safe , warm and dry this rainy day.


Monday, February 9, 2009

just waiting

Sorry for the even longer delay this time.

Chemo went well last week and counts have been good. Cooper & Sherry got out of the house last Thursday and he said he felt really good.

Then Friday he started feeling not so good and being nauseated and vomiting. This went on through Saturday night. Not sure if it was delayed reaction to chemo, a stomach virus or what.

He was feeling better Sunday, just tired and achy from being in bed too much.

This may put a delay in his returning to school tomorrow.

This will be a long week as we wait for next week and the end of chemo, the next MRI and consult with the radiologist.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support.
